Friday, December 7, 2012


Because the children in our family there are 5 boys (4 my nephew and 1 my son), so i make Pandawa Lima (Panca Pandavas).

King (Prabu in javanese language) Pandu Dewanata had two wives, Dewi Kuntitalibrata and Dewi Madrim.

Prabu Pandu is the son of the king of Astina, Raden Abiyasa, while Dewi Kuntitalibrata is the daughter of the King of Madura, Prabu Kuntibojo. Dewi Madrim is the daughter of the King of Mandraka, Prabu Mandrapati.

From Pandu with Kunti's marriage, was born 3 sons, namely: Puntadewa (Yudhisthira), Bratasena (Werkudara / Bima) and Arjuna.

From Pandu with Madrim marriage, was born 2 sons, namely: Nakul and Sahadev (Nakula and Sadewa), who was born a twin. 
Puntadewa (Yudhistira).
He is the king of Amarta or Indrapasta. After Baratayuda war, Puntadewa to be king of Astina who called Prabu Kalimataya.

Other names of Puntadewa are: Darmawangsa, Darmakusuma, Kantakapura, Gunatalikrama, Yudhisthira, Sami Aji (the title of King Krishna).

Character: honest, patient, his heart pure, virtuous, like helping others, loving parents and protect his brothers.

Inheritance named: Jamus Kalimasada, which have the power of protection and guidance as to the truth and welfare.

Having two wives namely: Dewi Drupadi and Dewi Kuntulwilaten.

As adults named Werkudara. He is a Jodipati and Tunggulpamenang knight.
He is king of Gilingwesi, with the title Prabu Tuguwasesa.

Other names used are: Bima, Bayusutu, Dandun Discourse, Kusuma Waligita.

Character: honest, not arrogant, holy spirit, so obedient to his teachers (especially with Dewa Ruci), loving mother and keep her brothers. When the war motto is to win, when losing means death.

Bratasena is a paragon of honest life with nature and the holy spirit.

Inheritance are: Kuku Pancanaka in right and left hand is very powerful, very strong and sharp. Besides nail Pancanaka Werkudara also have wind power (five wind power), and can unload a mountain.

Has two wives namely: Dewi Arimbi and Dewi Nagagini.

With Arimbi he get son named Gatot Kaca, who can fly without wings.

From his marriage with Nagagini he get son named Antasena who can go into the earth and master the ocean.

Bratasena at birth in a state of wrap. That tore the wrapper is Elephant Situ Seno. At that time the elephant Situ Seno Bratasena into the body, so it has tremendous power and can tear the wrapper.

He Is Madukara knight and also became king in Tinjomoya.

Other names used are numerous, including: Janaka, Parta, Panduputra, Kumbawali, Margana, Kuntadi, Indratanaya, Prabu Kariti, Palgunadi, Dananjaya.

Character : Like helping others, likes to meditate, cunning and clever, expert in the field of culture and art.

Arjuna is a powerful knight, beloved of the gods, he is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Arjuna's wife a lot, he was named "Lelananging Jagad", his face is very handsome and unequaled. His wife in Arcapada is Wara Sumbadra and Wara Srikandi. In addition there are many more wives include: Rarasati, Sulastri, Gandawati, Ulupi, Maeswara, etc..

He's wife in heaven is Dewi Supraba  and Dewi Dersanala the angel of Tinjomaya.

Arjuna spirited knights, noble-minded, helpful, and beloved of the gods. But there is a weakness that should not be imitated and ditrapkan on today ie married a lot.

He is the fourth son of Pandu Dewanata with Dewi Madrim on twins with Sahadev (Sadewa). His father and mother (Madrim) died when the twins were little, so little since they were taken care of by mother Kunti, with no distinction between one another.

After the war Bratajuda, Nakul and Sahadev became king in Mandraka.

Another name is Raden Pinten.

Nakul is an expert in the field of Agriculture.
Was the fifth child of Prabu Pandu and DewiMadrim, twins born with Nakul.

After the war Baratayuda with Nakul Sahadev reigned in Mandraka.

Another name is Raden Tangsen.

Sahadev is an expert in the field of animal husbandry.

He married Endang Sadarmi, daughter of the Bagawan Tembangpetra from Parangalas
Hermitage and had sons named Sabekti.


Source :
Berikut ini beberapa jenis kertas yang biasa dipakai dalam pembuatan papermodel.
 Here are some common types of paper used in making papermodel

1. HVS
Mempunyai ketebalan 70-100 gsm. 
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula sampai expert.
Jenis ini merupakan yang paling mudah didapatkan, namun untuk model-model dengan ukuran yang besar (tingginya diatas 30 cm) kurang bagus karena tidak kokoh. 

Having a thickness of 70-100 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
This type is the most readily available, but for models with a large size (up to 30 cm high) is not good because it is not sturdy.
2. WF paper 'bisa disebut kertas buku gambar'
Mempunyai ketebalan 120-160 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula sampai expert.
Kertas ini mudah ditemukan di buku gambar maupun sketchbook, tidak mudah buluan/bulukan saat dibentuk. Bisa dijadikan alternatif kertas jika kepepet, tinggal sobek dari buku gambar.

Having a thickness of 120-160 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
The paper is easy to find in a book or sketchbook drawings, it is not easy moldy.

3. Inkjet paper
Mempunyai ketebalan 100-135 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula sampai expert.
Kertas ini kualitas cetaknya terang, umumnya hanya satu sisi untuk mencetak. Sangat cocok untuk paper model yang mengutamakan warna.


Having a thickness of 100-135 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
This paper print light quality, generally only one side for printing. It is suitable for paper models in which the color

4. Briefcard / BC
Mempunyai ketebalan 160-220 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk medium sampai expert.
Kertas ini cocok untuk papermodel dengan ukuran diatas 30 cm, karena tebal dan kokoh.

Having a thickness of 160-220 gsm.
Can be used for medium to expert.
It is suitable for papermodel with sizes above 30 cm, as thick and sturdy.

5. Glossy Photopaper
Mempunyai ketebalan 100-220 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula-expert.
Digunakan untuk paper model kualitas foto, kualitas cetak sangat terang, cocok untuk paper model yang mengutamakan warna. Bisa bikin hasil model mengkilap dan bisa untuk papercraft kecil sampai besar.

Having a thickness of 100-220 gsm.
Can be used for novice-expert.
Models used for photo quality paper, the print quality is very bright, perfect for a model in which the color paper. Can make the model results can be used for papercraft shiny and small to large.

6. Jasmine
Mempunyai ketebalan 120-175 gsm
Bisa digunakan untukMedium-expert
Kertas mirip StarDream, digunakan untuk paper model kualitas mengkilap namun dapat dicetak di inkjet printer. Sering dipakai oleh papermodeller dunia dalam membuat robot seperti Gundam. Cocok untuk paper model yang mengutamakan warna dan ketebalan. Hasil model akan mengkilap dan blink-blink. Bisa digunakan untuk model yang tingginya diatas 30 cm.

Having a thickness of 120-175 gsm
Can be used for Medium-expert
Stardream similar paper, is used for the model quality glossy paper, but can be printed on an inkjet printer. Often used by papermodeller world in making robots like Gundam. Suitable for paper models the color and thickness. The model results will be shiny and blink. Can be used to model the height up to 30 cm.

7. StarDream
Mempunyai ketebalan 120-220 gsm
Bisa digunakan untuk expert
Kertas mengkilap dan mempunyai berbagai macam warna, teksturnya licin dan cukup kaku. Lebih bagus dicetak dengan laser printer, dan menggunakan lem UHU. Biasanya digunakan untuk pembuatan gundam blank template. Bisa digunakan untuk model dengan tinggi sampai 40 cm.

Having a thickness of 120-220 gsm
Can be used for expert
Glossy paper and have a variety of colors, smooth texture and quite stiff. Better be printed with a laser printer and using UHU glue. Typically used for making gundam blank template. Can be used to model the height up to 40 cm.

8. Art Karton/Paper
Mempunyai ketebalan ketebalan 120-220 gsm
Bisa digunakan untuk medium-expert
Kertas semi-mengkilap, kokoh namun mudah dibentuk.
Cocok untuk papermodel dengan hasil mengkilap. Bisa dipakai untuk papermodel dengan tinggi diatas 30cm

Having a thickness of 120-220 gsm thickness
Can be used for medium-expert
Semi-glossy paper, sturdy yet easy to set up.
Suitable for papermodel with shiny results. Can be used to papermodel with over 30cm tall

Jenis kertas diatas merupakan yang umum dipakai, tapi tidak tertutup kemungkinan untuk menggunakan jenis kertas yang lain yang dirasa cocok untuk pembuatan papercraft.

Paper type above is commonly used, but it is also possible to use other types of paper that were deemed suitable for the manufacture of papercraft.

Original Source :

Yang lagi cari kado natal, ini bisa jadi salah satu alternatifnya. Gelang terbuat dari batu asli. 

Berminat.. Hubungi 08983134030 / PIN BB : 27732F06. 
Reseller Welcome

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Le o le o le o heeei, le o le o le o heeei 
Le o le o le o heeei, le o le o le o heeei 
Ku berlari pakai hati, tak berhenti sampai mati

Le o le o le o heeei, le o le o le o heeei, le o le o le o heeei
Aku dengar ada yang bicara
Papa mamaku punya cita-cita, 
Dia baru berusia lima,
Tapi semangatnya sungguh sempurna
Never in your life, let them talk to you like you can not 
Yes, you’re young but you’re right,
Walk your miles, do your part with a smile
'cause you’re young, you’re young, you’re young
Hidupku itu adalah aku 
Bukan kamu dan ragumu, 
jangan sama-samakan ku  
Hidupmu itu adalah kamu
Bukan kata tidak mampu, tak peduli usiamu
Aku muda (aku muda) aku bisa (aku bisa)

Tak perlu ragukan yang kau lihat
Orang ikuti ku punya jejak
Kamu yang nakal bikin ku bosan
Mulut setan bicara tak karuan
Never in your life, let them talk to you like you can not
Yes, you’re young but you’re right 
Walk your miles, do your part with a smile 
’cause you’re young, you’re young, you’re young
Hidupku itu adalah aku 
Bukan kamu dan ragumu, 
Jangan sama-samakan ku
Hidupmu itu adalah kamu 
Bukan kata tidak mampu, tak peduli usiamu
Hidupku itu adalah aku
Bukan kamu dan ragumu, 
Jangan sama-samakanku 
Biar ku berlari pakai hati
Tak berhenti sampai mati, aku muda aku bisa
Le o le o le o heeei, le o le o le o heeei 
Ku berlari pakai hati, tak berhenti sampai mati 
Le o le o le o heeei, le o le o le o heeei 
Ku berlari pakai hati, tak berhenti sampai mati
Hidupku itu adalah aku 
Bukan kamu dan ragumu, 
Jangan sama-samakanku 
Hidupmu itu adalah kamu 
Bukan kata tidak mampu, tak peduli usiamu
Hidupku itu adalah aku
Bukan kamu dan ragumu, 
Jangan sama-samakanku 
Biar ku berlari pakai hati 
Tak berhenti sampai mati, aku muda aku bisa
Le o le o le o heeei
Ku berlari pakai hati, tak berhenti sampai mati

Semar is a character in Javanese mythology who frequently appears in wayang shadow plays. He is leader of the Punokawan (clowns), but is in fact divine and very wise. 

He is the dhanyang (guardian spirit) of Java and is regarded by some as the most sacred figure of the kotak (wayang set). He is said to be the god Sang Hyang Ismaya in human form.

The name Semar is said to derive from the Javanese word "Samar" ("dim, obscure, mysterious").

Download Pattern Semar - Punakawan Papertoys

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Original Source :

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Katanya I HATE SLOW tapi belakangan ini Smartfren berasa leletnya, padahal saya pake yang reload Rp. 150rebu (Up To 14 Mbps). Biasanya sih ga lelet gini, kencengnya berasa... Apa karena mulai banyak yang pake ya? Jadi kasusnya seperti koneksi-koneksi GSM gitu. Ahhh rasanya engga sih...

Setelah saya browsing-browsing, dapet nih cara-cara untuk mempercepat koneksi pakde semar ini.

1. Google Public DNS
a). Preferred DNS server : (tulis dengan
b). Alternate DNS server : (tulis dengan

2. OpenDNS
a). Preferred DNS server : (tulis dengan
b). Alternate DNS server : (tulis dengan

3. Profile 1

Access number : #777 atau *99#
User name : cdma
Password : cdma
Advance setting DNS :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :

4. Profile 2

Access number : #777 atau *99#
User name : smart
Password : smart
Advance setting DNS :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :

5. Software Namebench
* Download softwarenya disini
* Install & Run
* setelah itu klik Start Benchmark
* tunggu proses selesai
* jika sudah selesai akan muncul 2 alternate DNS. Nah, DNS tersebut dapat dimasukan ke setting modem smart nya.

Selamat Mencoba... ^_^
Golden Is Original Colour

This money box is shaped like a golden pig, considered a symbol of good luck in china. On its tummy are chinese characters that mean "usher in wealth and prosperity" and it is great decoration for any room. Have fun saving your money in this cute little roly poly pig.

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The Chinese Dragon is a spiritual beast. A mythical creature with a long, snakelike body and sharp talons. It's image differs slightly to that of the western dragon, being considered a sacred creature a God that reigns over direction. In China, it is also used to symbolize the power of the emperor. The Chinese Dragon is believe to control the weather, being responsible for causing tempest, lighting and tornadoes. In its hand it holds a flaming pearl, thought to be harbinger of fortune and good luck.

Feng Shui principles state that if you place a dragon ornament in the southeast corner of a building with a container if water, dragon will come down to drink the water, imporving your fortune in business and causing trade to flourish.

Also a symbol of strength, the dragon is said to invite all kinds of luck. Leaving a dragon at the entrance to a building, on the right as you enter a room or in the north corner is said to increase your luck in terms of wealth and love.


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