Saturday, December 1, 2012

Katanya I HATE SLOW tapi belakangan ini Smartfren berasa leletnya, padahal saya pake yang reload Rp. 150rebu (Up To 14 Mbps). Biasanya sih ga lelet gini, kencengnya berasa... Apa karena mulai banyak yang pake ya? Jadi kasusnya seperti koneksi-koneksi GSM gitu. Ahhh rasanya engga sih...

Setelah saya browsing-browsing, dapet nih cara-cara untuk mempercepat koneksi pakde semar ini.

1. Google Public DNS
a). Preferred DNS server : (tulis dengan
b). Alternate DNS server : (tulis dengan

2. OpenDNS
a). Preferred DNS server : (tulis dengan
b). Alternate DNS server : (tulis dengan

3. Profile 1

Access number : #777 atau *99#
User name : cdma
Password : cdma
Advance setting DNS :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :

4. Profile 2

Access number : #777 atau *99#
User name : smart
Password : smart
Advance setting DNS :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :

5. Software Namebench
* Download softwarenya disini
* Install & Run
* setelah itu klik Start Benchmark
* tunggu proses selesai
* jika sudah selesai akan muncul 2 alternate DNS. Nah, DNS tersebut dapat dimasukan ke setting modem smart nya.

Selamat Mencoba... ^_^
Golden Is Original Colour

This money box is shaped like a golden pig, considered a symbol of good luck in china. On its tummy are chinese characters that mean "usher in wealth and prosperity" and it is great decoration for any room. Have fun saving your money in this cute little roly poly pig.

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The Chinese Dragon is a spiritual beast. A mythical creature with a long, snakelike body and sharp talons. It's image differs slightly to that of the western dragon, being considered a sacred creature a God that reigns over direction. In China, it is also used to symbolize the power of the emperor. The Chinese Dragon is believe to control the weather, being responsible for causing tempest, lighting and tornadoes. In its hand it holds a flaming pearl, thought to be harbinger of fortune and good luck.

Feng Shui principles state that if you place a dragon ornament in the southeast corner of a building with a container if water, dragon will come down to drink the water, imporving your fortune in business and causing trade to flourish.

Also a symbol of strength, the dragon is said to invite all kinds of luck. Leaving a dragon at the entrance to a building, on the right as you enter a room or in the north corner is said to increase your luck in terms of wealth and love.


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