Berikut ini beberapa jenis kertas yang biasa dipakai dalam pembuatan papermodel.
Here are some common types of paper used in making papermodel
Having a thickness of 160-220 gsm.
Can be used for medium to expert.
It is suitable for papermodel with sizes above 30 cm, as thick and sturdy.
Having a thickness of 100-220 gsm.
Can be used for novice-expert.
Models used for photo quality paper, the print quality is very bright, perfect for a model in which the color paper. Can make the model results can be used for papercraft shiny and small to large.
Here are some common types of paper used in making papermodel
1. HVS
Mempunyai ketebalan 70-100 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula sampai expert.
Jenis ini merupakan yang paling mudah didapatkan, namun untuk model-model dengan ukuran yang besar (tingginya diatas 30 cm) kurang bagus karena tidak kokoh.
Having a thickness of 70-100 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
This type is the most readily available, but for models with a large size (up to 30 cm high) is not good because it is not sturdy.
Having a thickness of 70-100 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
This type is the most readily available, but for models with a large size (up to 30 cm high) is not good because it is not sturdy.
2. WF paper 'bisa disebut kertas buku gambar'
Mempunyai ketebalan 120-160 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula sampai expert.
Kertas ini mudah ditemukan di buku gambar maupun sketchbook, tidak mudah buluan/bulukan saat dibentuk. Bisa dijadikan alternatif kertas jika kepepet, tinggal sobek dari buku gambar.
Having a thickness of 120-160 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
The paper is easy to find in a book or sketchbook drawings, it is not easy moldy.
Having a thickness of 120-160 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
The paper is easy to find in a book or sketchbook drawings, it is not easy moldy.
3. Inkjet paper
Mempunyai ketebalan 100-135 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula sampai expert.
Kertas ini kualitas cetaknya terang, umumnya hanya satu sisi untuk mencetak. Sangat cocok untuk paper model yang mengutamakan warna.
Having a thickness of 100-135 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
This paper print light quality, generally only one side for printing. It is suitable for paper models in which the color
Having a thickness of 100-135 gsm.
Can be used for beginner to expert.
This paper print light quality, generally only one side for printing. It is suitable for paper models in which the color
4. Briefcard / BC
Mempunyai ketebalan 160-220 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk medium sampai expert.
Kertas ini cocok untuk papermodel dengan ukuran diatas 30 cm, karena tebal dan kokoh.
Having a thickness of 160-220 gsm.
Can be used for medium to expert.
It is suitable for papermodel with sizes above 30 cm, as thick and sturdy.
5. Glossy Photopaper
Mempunyai ketebalan 100-220 gsm.
Bisa digunakan untuk pemula-expert.
Digunakan untuk paper model kualitas foto, kualitas cetak sangat terang, cocok untuk paper model yang mengutamakan warna. Bisa bikin hasil model mengkilap dan bisa untuk papercraft kecil sampai besar.
Having a thickness of 100-220 gsm.
Can be used for novice-expert.
Models used for photo quality paper, the print quality is very bright, perfect for a model in which the color paper. Can make the model results can be used for papercraft shiny and small to large.
6. Jasmine
Mempunyai ketebalan 120-175 gsm
Bisa digunakan untukMedium-expert
Kertas mirip StarDream, digunakan untuk paper model kualitas mengkilap namun dapat dicetak di inkjet printer. Sering dipakai oleh papermodeller dunia dalam membuat robot seperti Gundam. Cocok untuk paper model yang mengutamakan warna dan ketebalan. Hasil model akan mengkilap dan blink-blink. Bisa digunakan untuk model yang tingginya diatas 30 cm.
Having a thickness of 120-175 gsm
Can be used for Medium-expert
Stardream similar paper, is used for the model quality glossy paper, but can be printed on an inkjet printer. Often used by papermodeller world in making robots like Gundam. Suitable for paper models the color and thickness. The model results will be shiny and blink. Can be used to model the height up to 30 cm.
Having a thickness of 120-175 gsm
Can be used for Medium-expert
Stardream similar paper, is used for the model quality glossy paper, but can be printed on an inkjet printer. Often used by papermodeller world in making robots like Gundam. Suitable for paper models the color and thickness. The model results will be shiny and blink. Can be used to model the height up to 30 cm.
7. StarDream
Mempunyai ketebalan 120-220 gsm
Bisa digunakan untuk expert
Kertas mengkilap dan mempunyai berbagai macam warna, teksturnya licin dan cukup kaku. Lebih bagus dicetak dengan laser printer, dan menggunakan lem UHU. Biasanya digunakan untuk pembuatan gundam blank template. Bisa digunakan untuk model dengan tinggi sampai 40 cm.
Having a thickness of 120-220 gsm
Can be used for expert
Glossy paper and have a variety of colors, smooth texture and quite stiff. Better be printed with a laser printer and using UHU glue. Typically used for making gundam blank template. Can be used to model the height up to 40 cm.
Having a thickness of 120-220 gsm
Can be used for expert
Glossy paper and have a variety of colors, smooth texture and quite stiff. Better be printed with a laser printer and using UHU glue. Typically used for making gundam blank template. Can be used to model the height up to 40 cm.
8. Art Karton/Paper
Mempunyai ketebalan ketebalan 120-220 gsm
Bisa digunakan untuk medium-expert
Kertas semi-mengkilap, kokoh namun mudah dibentuk.
Cocok untuk papermodel dengan hasil mengkilap. Bisa dipakai untuk papermodel dengan tinggi diatas 30cm
Having a thickness of 120-220 gsm thickness
Can be used for medium-expert
Semi-glossy paper, sturdy yet easy to set up.
Suitable for papermodel with shiny results. Can be used to papermodel with over 30cm tall
Having a thickness of 120-220 gsm thickness
Can be used for medium-expert
Semi-glossy paper, sturdy yet easy to set up.
Suitable for papermodel with shiny results. Can be used to papermodel with over 30cm tall
Jenis kertas diatas merupakan yang umum dipakai, tapi tidak tertutup kemungkinan untuk menggunakan jenis kertas yang lain yang dirasa cocok untuk pembuatan papercraft.
Paper type above is commonly used, but it is also possible to use other types of paper that were deemed suitable for the manufacture of papercraft.
Paper type above is commonly used, but it is also possible to use other types of paper that were deemed suitable for the manufacture of papercraft.
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