Setelah penayangannya di ANTV, Mahabharata menjadi salah satu acara televisi favorit keluarga. Walaupun jam penayangannya yang masih kalah dari acara-acara tv gak jelas lainnya, at least ada satu acara tv yang mendidik.
Galungan is a Balinese holiday celebrating the victory of dharma over adharma. It marks the time when the ancestral spirits visit the Earth. The last day of the celebration is Kuningan, when they return. The date is calculated according to the 210-day Balinese
SD RX-78-2 Evolve Gundam paper craft was designed by Turbolabo, a
Japanese papercraft artist. The whole model measures 145mm tall, and
features beautiful details and accurate colors, of course, you can also
see the jet pack on the back of the Gundam model.
The trophy, originally named Victory, but later renamed in honour of
former FIFA president Jules Rimet, was made of gold plated sterling
silver and lapis lazuli and depicted Nike, the Greek goddess of victory.
The rabbit is a herbivorous animal belonging to the leporidae family of the lagomorpha prder. It
is said that there are about 50 different breeds of rabbit in the
world. They have distinctively long ears, which have evolved that way to
help protech them from predators and long feet, which also keep them
safe from enemies by allowing them to hear their movements from far
away. This papercraft model is based on the Netherland Dwarf, a breed of rabbit popularly kept as a pet.
Lagi heboh-hebohnya serial Mahabharata yang diputar di ANTV jam 9.30pm wita. Filmnya bagus banget. Beda dari serial Mahabharata yang sudah pernah di putar sebelumnya. Dimana versi sebelumnya belum menggunakan efek dan kualitas gambar yang bagus, ditambah pemain-pemain Mahabharata sekaran gini cakep-cakep.. Jadi makin semangat nontonnya :p Serial Mahabharata yang diputar di ANTV ini adalah versi Dubbing dalam bahasa Indonesia dari serial Mahabharata yang sudah lebih dulu diputar di Star Plus. Episode yang pernah diputar di Star Plus, di dubbing ke bahasa Indonesia dan diputar di ANTV.